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Showing posts from June, 2021

9 Foods With More Protein Than Egg

Eggs are the clearest example of protein content - you just have to watch Sylvester Stallone, who beats raw eggs like Rocky Balboa for proof.  And their reputation is rightly acquired: A hard-boiled egg has six grams of protein, in a convenient, portable form. But, how many hard-boiled eggs can you eat?  It's time to expand your horizons with these high-protein foods that have even more protein per serving than an egg. Dried spirulina Protein: 8 grams for 2 tbsp Fish is not the only high-protein food you can find in the ocean.  Tip: Try sprinkling spirulina on your salad or seasoning roasted vegetables with it.  (Spirulina powder can also turn your boring smoothie into a blue drink!) Yoghurt   Protein: 17 grams for 170 grams of milk When it comes to muscle recovery, pure skim yogurt breaks the record: These little plastic buckets have tons of protein in just 100 calories. Gruyere cheese   Protein: 8 grams per serving of 30 grams of cheese This del...

Hot water and ice for muscle cramps

For athletes, muscle cramps are familiar, but even people who lead a sedentary lifestyle have experienced the pain and discomfort of getting them at least once.  These concepts, popularly known as muscle cramps, are strong, painful, and prolonged involuntary muscle contractions without the ability to relax.  They can occur both during training and in daily activities, even during sleep.  Many people have woken up in the middle of the night due to severe calf cramps.  True, the calf muscles are most prone to spasms, but in reality they can occur on any muscle. The seizure may last only a few seconds and go away on its own, but sometimes it lasts a few minutes, even hours, without disappearing completely or disappearing, and recurring several times during that time. In case the muscle cramp is more severe, you can try simple thermal procedures: a warm compress, a bath or a jet of warm water in the shower.  This improves blood circulation and helps to relax the mus...

How To Burn Calories After The End Of Training

Although virtually every activity, from yoga to sleep, requires energy, research shows that heavier loads are especially effective at burn calories.  It seems logical, doesn't it?  The more intense your workout, the more calories you burn.  But we are not only talking about the time while doing an exercise, but also about the hours after.  This is where things start to get interesting. What you should Know The so-called  "Afterburn effect" is the official term for additional post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).  This is nothing new in the world of fitness.  Several studies have found a strong link between exercise intensity and the amount of burned  calories after it ends.  Simply put, the more intense the exercise, the more oxygen the body consumes after it is over to speed up its recovery. In an experiment at the Appalachian State University in North Carolina, participants who rode a very high-intensity bicycle for 45 minutes burned an ...

How To Organize Your Own Crossfit Training

There's a reason high-intensity workouts are popular - they really work!  So it's no surprise that CrossFit is becoming more and more famous.  But what makes this style so effective?  Or maybe it's better to ask how CrossFit is different from other strenuous workouts?  The answer is not so obvious. "It's easy to confuse CrossFit with a traditional bootcamp.  Although the two have a lot in common, such as the Tabata method and self-weight exercises, CrossFit also includes gymnastics and weightlifting.  A lot of training starts directly with strength training before moving on to fitness, ”said Erica Giovinazzo, a CrossFit coach.  There is another difference.  In CrossFit, training is closely monitored and results are recorded.  This way you can easily see if the squat weight is a new personal record or if you have completed a series of exercises faster than last time. To better understand this sport, here are the three key features of CrossFit ...

The Best Exercises For The Lower Abdominal Muscles

There is probably one part of the body that you feel you are not training enough - abdominal muscles.  And more precisely the lower abdominal muscles.  No matter how many exercises you include in your program, they don't seem to change.  Well, there's a reason for that. "To  lose weight  and emphasize your abdominal muscles, you need to train your whole body," says certified instructor Amanda Butler.  "You need to burn calories in combination with a well-balanced diet," she added.  You've probably heard that "tiles" are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.  However, this is not a green light to miss abdominal presses and planks.  "It's important to train your torso muscles because it's the center of your balance.  And a strong torso reduces back pain, ”explains Butler. Not sure how to load your lower abdominal muscles?  Don't worry, you're not the only one.  "These muscles are very difficult to heal because that's ...

Everything You Need To Know About Zinc

When you decide to structure your diet, by no means forget zinc.  Its deficiency is a real problem because you lose a little of it every time you sweat.  On the other hand, it has a number of important functions in the body.  Serves as a building material for enzymes, proteins and cells.  It also helps to release vitamin A, strengthens the immune system, mediates the sense of taste and smell and helps heal wounds. What exactly is zinc Zinc is a mineral, so the body cannot produce it on its own and you need to get it through your diet.  Minerals are inorganic substances, which means that they do not contain carbon and can all be found in Mendeleev's table (exactly the one in the chemistry classroom at school).  The highest concentration of zinc is in some seafood (oysters, crabs, lobsters), cashews, almonds, pork, beef, lamb. What is its function The main job of zinc is to help the enzymes in your body do a number of things - from maintaining the immune syst...

How Can Magnesium Be Useful To You?

Magnesium constantly pops up in the lists of nutritional supplements recommended by nutritionists.  And there is a good reason for this - many people suffer from a deficiency of this mineral, and often do not even realize it.  This in turn can lead to a number of health problems. Why magnesium is important As you may remember from chemistry classes at school.  Magnesium is an element (atomic number 12) that helps regulate many biochemical reactions in the body.  This includes the functions of the muscles and the nervous system, as well as the regulation of blood pressure and protein synthesis.  In general, this micronutrient is an extremely important part of the mineral cocktail, thanks to which the body works optimally. The more scientists delve into the role of magnesium, the more they realize how important it really is.  Especially when it comes to disease prevention.  Low levels of this mineral are associated with a number of problems - from high b...

The Best Training under 15 Minutes | Fitness Goal Tips

You don't want to miss workouts, but you're overwhelmed with homework, late for work, or have an urgent task.  Does it sound familiar to you? If you do not know where to start to make the most of your time, check out these few options that we have selected for you.  You now have eight excellent options for training in less than 15 minutes. With your own weight 1. 3 exercises with your own weight for more strength Do 20 repetitions of the following three exercises as quickly as possible, repeating the round as many times as possible in 15 minutes: Pushups Crunches Squats In the remaining 5 minutes, do 10  Burpee  per minute as quickly as possible.  I.e  at the beginning of the first minute do 10  Burpee  and rest until the end of the minute.  As soon as the second minute starts, you do 10 burps again, rest, etc. 2.   5x5 for maximum intensity Perform each of the following exercises for 30 seconds.  After doing all five exercises...