There is probably one part of the body that you feel you are not training enough - abdominal muscles. And more precisely the lower abdominal muscles. No matter how many exercises you include in your program, they don't seem to change. Well, there's a reason for that.
"To lose weight and emphasize your abdominal muscles, you need to train your whole body," says certified instructor Amanda Butler. "You need to burn calories in combination with a well-balanced diet," she added. You've probably heard that "tiles" are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. However, this is not a green light to miss abdominal presses and planks. "It's important to train your torso muscles because it's the center of your balance. And a strong torso reduces back pain, ”explains Butler.
Not sure how to load your lower abdominal muscles? Don't worry, you're not the only one. "These muscles are very difficult to heal because that's where the body stores most of the excess fat. And in women, the hormone estrogen is responsible for retaining fat, "adds Butler. Here are the best exercises, according to her, for the lower abdominal muscles, which you can include in a general workout.
The training
If you decide to combine the exercises in one workout, perform each for 30 seconds. Rest between exercises for 10 seconds and perform the whole sequence one to three times.
1. Heel Tap
Lie on the floor facing the ceiling. Place your hands under your buttocks, bend your knees slightly and lift your legs in the air. Slowly lower one foot to the floor until you lightly touch it with your heel and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. You can perform the exercise with both legs at the same time.
2. Mountain climber ( Mountain Climber )
From a plank position with your arms outstretched (as if about to do push-ups), lift your right leg and bring your knee closer to your chest at the point between your arms. Repeat with the left foot. While alternating legs, keep the torso muscles tight and do not bend the waist - the body should be perfectly stretched like a board.
3. Shears ( Scissor )
Lie on the floor facing the ceiling and hands behind your head. Peel your head and shoulders off the floor. Using the abdominal muscles, lift your legs slightly above the floor and start moving them like scissors - first lift one to the ceiling, then the other, passing them in the air. Be careful not to stretch your neck or protrude your chin. Your neck should be relaxed.
4. Lift the leg bench press ( Straight Leg Raise )
While lying on your back on the floor, place your hands below your waist and tighten your torso muscles. While keeping your legs straight, slowly lift them until they form a 90-degree angle with your body. Slowly return them to their original position without touching the floor. If you experience low back pain, do not do this exercise.
In a variant of high
If you are prone to low back problems or if you have access to a dial lever, try this option. While hanging from the lever, tighten the muscles of the torso and raise the legs to the level of the thighs. If you are a beginner and cannot perform the exercise with your legs straight, just bend your knees towards your body. Slowly return your legs to the starting position.
5. Mountain climber - cross body ( Cross Body Climber )
It is performed as the standard exercise, but you bring the right knee closer to the left elbow and vice versa - the left knee to the right elbow.
6. Planck pivots ( Rolling Plank )
Start with a low plank where you are leaning on your elbows. Hold for 10 seconds, then roll to the right to perform a side plank resting on your right elbow with your legs together. Hold the side bar for 10 seconds, return to starting position and rotate on your left elbow, holding again for 10 seconds. Continue to alternate sides, keeping the torso muscles tight and not allowing the thighs to "sink".
7. Shrinkage ( Roll Up )
Lie on your back with your legs straight and together. Stretch your arms behind your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, raise your arms and use your abdominal muscles to lift your body to a sitting position. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position.
8. Folding knife ( Jack Knife )
Lie on your back with your legs straight and together. Stretch your arms behind your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, lifting your left leg and right arm, touching your foot with your palm. Inhale and slowly return to starting position. Do as many repetitions as possible for 15 seconds, then do it for another 15 seconds with your right foot and left hand.
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