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Hot water and ice for muscle cramps

For athletes, muscle cramps are familiar, but even people who lead a sedentary lifestyle have experienced the pain and discomfort of getting them at least once. These concepts, popularly known as muscle cramps, are strong, painful, and prolonged involuntary muscle contractions without the ability to relax. They can occur both during training and in daily activities, even during sleep. Many people have woken up in the middle of the night due to severe calf cramps. True, the calf muscles are most prone to spasms, but in reality they can occur on any muscle.

The seizure may last only a few seconds and go away on its own, but sometimes it lasts a few minutes, even hours, without disappearing completely or disappearing, and recurring several times during that time.

In case the muscle cramp is more severe, you can try simple thermal procedures: a warm compress, a bath or a jet of warm water in the shower. This improves blood circulation and helps to relax the muscles. Allow the heat to act for 15 minutes, during which time continue to gently massage.

Another option for dealing with muscle cramps is cryotherapy. With a bag full of ice or an ice cube, gently massage for about two minutes, followed by a minute of rest. Repeat this 3-4 times. Apart from the fact that the cold has an analgesic effect, after the initial constriction of the blood vessels, there is an improvement in the local blood circulation, which is manifested by the light red tint of the skin.


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