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Showing posts with the label Magnesium Benefits

How Can Magnesium Be Useful To You?

Magnesium constantly pops up in the lists of nutritional supplements recommended by nutritionists.  And there is a good reason for this - many people suffer from a deficiency of this mineral, and often do not even realize it.  This in turn can lead to a number of health problems. Why magnesium is important As you may remember from chemistry classes at school.  Magnesium is an element (atomic number 12) that helps regulate many biochemical reactions in the body.  This includes the functions of the muscles and the nervous system, as well as the regulation of blood pressure and protein synthesis.  In general, this micronutrient is an extremely important part of the mineral cocktail, thanks to which the body works optimally. The more scientists delve into the role of magnesium, the more they realize how important it really is.  Especially when it comes to disease prevention.  Low levels of this mineral are associated with a number of problems - from high blood pressure to asthma and osteop