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How To Organize Your Own Crossfit Training

There's a reason high-intensity workouts are popular - they really work! So it's no surprise that CrossFit is becoming more and more famous. But what makes this style so effective? Or maybe it's better to ask how CrossFit is different from other strenuous workouts? The answer is not so obvious.

"It's easy to confuse CrossFit with a traditional bootcamp. Although the two have a lot in common, such as the Tabata method and self-weight exercises, CrossFit also includes gymnastics and weightlifting. A lot of training starts directly with strength training before moving on to fitness, ”said Erica Giovinazzo, a CrossFit coach. There is another difference. In CrossFit, training is closely monitored and results are recorded. This way you can easily see if the squat weight is a new personal record or if you have completed a series of exercises faster than last time.

To better understand this sport, here are the three key features of CrossFit workouts:

Functional movements are used

Think about the movements of everyday life - carrying heavy shopping bags, moving furniture, lifting heavy objects. The same movements apply to CrossFit. Lifting the couch is just a deadlift exercise. And carrying the bags from the store is the same as a "farm walk." "Instead of loading a certain muscle, these exercises make the whole body work in sync. The torso muscles, along with several other muscle groups, work at the same time, ”explains Giovinazzo.

Every workout is different

It's called "training for the day" and for good reason. In CrossFit, the same workout is never repeated on two consecutive days. "If you do the same exercises all the time, it will eventually stop benefiting you," says Giovinazzo. Variety does not allow your muscles to get used to and so you get better and better.

High-intensity interval training is included

The whole workout can last up to an hour, but this includes the warm-up and the strength training part. The conditioning part can be only 12 minutes. Why so little? Because short high-intensity interval exercises are more effective in increasing maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max).

Best of all, you don't have to attend special CrossFit classes to reap the benefits of these killer fitness workouts. You can plan your own workout in just three simple steps. 1 - Choose one of the following groups of exercises (A, B, C or D). 2 - Repeat it as many times as possible in 12 minutes. 3 - Rest for 30 seconds between rounds.

Exercises with own weight 

  • 15 push-ups  
  • 20 squats

B. Exercises with equipment

  • 15 swing kettlebell ( kettlebell swings)  
  • 20  attacks weighs  
  • 20 squats with a weight (while holding the kettlebell or dumbbell)

C. Fitness exercises

  • 200 meters running  
  • 50 rope jumps  
  • 5 burpees

Explosive or static exercises

  • 10 jumps on a box / bench  
  • 10 jumps arc  
  • 60 seconds plank                    


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