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The Best Training under 15 Minutes | Fitness Goal Tips

You don't want to miss workouts, but you're overwhelmed with homework, late for work, or have an urgent task. Does it sound familiar to you?

If you do not know where to start to make the most of your time, check out these few options that we have selected for you. You now have eight excellent options for training in less than 15 minutes.

With your own weight

1. 3 exercises with your own weight for more strength

Do 20 repetitions of the following three exercises as quickly as possible, repeating the round as many times as possible in 15 minutes:

  • Pushups
  • Crunches
  • Squats

In the remaining 5 minutes, do 10 Burpee per minute as quickly as possible. I.e at the beginning of the first minute do 10 Burpee and rest until the end of the minute. As soon as the second minute starts, you do 10 burps again, rest, etc.

2.  5x5 for maximum intensity

Perform each of the following exercises for 30 seconds. After doing all five exercises, rest for 30 seconds. You will make five rounds in 15 minutes.

  • Jump-squat
  • Pushups
  • Attacks
  • Mountain Climber
  • Forearm plank

3.  Countdown

Start by performing 10 repetitions of each of the four exercises. Then do 9 reps, then 8 and so on until you finally do only 1. The whole workout is performed without a break either between exercises or between rounds. So, from 10 to 1, start…

  • Burpee
  • Pushups
  • Squats
  • Crunches

4.  Sprints on stairs

For the first three minutes, warm up your legs well with exercises of your choice. Then sprint five lengths of stairs (i.e between 3 floors) and return walking. This is a repetition. Do at least 10 reps or as many as you can by the end of the 15 minutes.

5.  Cardio 30-20-10

Heat for 3 minutes. Then, without a break, do 5 rounds of the following:

  • 30 seconds jogging
  • 20 seconds of fast running
  • 10 seconds sprint

Rest 1-2 minutes with walking and do 5 more rounds.

With equipment

6.  Fast fitness workout

For this workout you will need a push-up and a rowing machine. Make as many circles as possible in 15 minutes. A circle consists of:

  • 500 meters rowing
  • 15 swings with Pudovka
  • 60 seconds rest

7. Workout for the whole body with dumbbells

You need two dumbbells. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds. After all three exercises, rest for 60 seconds. Make four circles.

  • Squat with shoulder press (when standing up from a squat, lift the dumbbells above your head)
  • Rowing with dumbbells
  • Crunches

8. Workout for the whole body with a push-up

Six exercises are performed in super series (i.e 3x2), as in the countdown training. Ie from exercise A do 10 repetitions, then from exercise B 10, then 9, and so on. You rest and move on to the second group of exercises. The goal is to complete the entire workout in 15 minutes.

  • (A) squat with push-up + (B) push-ups
  • (A) swing with Pudovka + (B) abdominal presses
  • (A) squat and press with Pudovka + (B) Russian twisting


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