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What is MSK Injection Therapy?

What is Microscopic infiltrate, MST or myostatin toxin therapy? Myostatin is a naturally occurring protein found in cattle's muscle and bones. The protein is secreted from the muscle. Over time myostatin builds up inside the muscle cells destroying the myostatin. This protein is being used as a natural way to prevent muscle loss in people with MOSTLY insulin resistance situations, where the pancreas has NOT produced sufficient amounts of insulin. The problem with injecting insulin is that it stops the pancreas from producing the protein on its own. This stops the muscle cell from absorbing glucose. So, the only way to get the glucose into the muscles is by micro-injecting myostatin protein into the muscle. ( Note: Myostatin does NOT stop the heart beat, it only acts as an insulin suppressor.) Micro-injection therapy works best with someone who is insulin resistant. This means the person must have had their blood work done, and need to be on a long term maintenance drug. Also some people are not good candidates for this therapy because of allergies, and that also includes people with certain cancers. Sometimes, some of the proteins used in micro-injection therapy have side effects that can include vomiting, or intestinal gas. This type of treatment usually lasts about one hour, sometimes less. Sometimes it is injected just under the skin. In my experience there are some soreness at the site of the injection, but the bruising is minimal and temporary. The swelling usually goes away within a few hours. Micro-injection sites are typically used on the inside thigh, or upper thigh. However, myostatin can cause problems with the kidneys, so it is not recommended for patients with kidney problems or urinary tract infections. It can also cause problems with pregnancy, and so women on oral contraceptives should avoid getting a myostatin injection. There are many benefits to this type of treatment. It helps you recover from leaner, stronger muscle. It helps you prevent atrophy, and makes it easier to gain lean muscle. There is now evidence that it is beneficial for weight loss. Many patients do not like having large injections on a regular basis, and prefer a shot or a topically applied product. In addition, there are now studies that indicate it may be useful to improve symptoms in Alzheimer's disease patients. For some patients, the side effects from micro-injections far outweigh the benefits. Some have difficulty swallowing shots or feel an intense pain when injecting the product. Myostatin, however, is made of a protein complex rather than a steroid, so most patients report little to no pain or discomfort with the injections. If you have good health, you can have a shot or topically applied product that will give you dramatic results. If your goal is simply to reduce your body fat, however, a healthy diet and regular exercise will probably be enough to meet your goals. You may find that what you need is an injectable form of this all important protein, though. The protein myostatin is produced by the muscles in your body. It is found in high quantities in the bodies of younger humans and in those of older rats. Because it is naturally produced by the body, there is no danger of overdose. However, it is a very slow-aging protein, and some researchers believe it plays a role in the slowdown of human growth. This has led to some interesting medical research involving human and mice, but more study needs to be done. In the US, you can purchase what is known as a "myostatin product" from your local drugstore. These medications are the same as those used for temporary muscle pain relief during baseball elbow injuries, but they don't offer any long term benefit. Because they contain only minuscule amounts of the protein, these products aren't meant to be used for long periods of time, and shouldn't be considered a permanent solution. One company that does offer a myostatin product for use in the treatment of muscle problems is Generex. If you have difficulty finding what is best for you, however, another company offers an oral form of the protein called ACTH (alpha hydroxyl acid). This medication is taken regularly by most people with the hopes of increasing the production levels of myostatin in their body. It should be noted, though, that the oral form of myostatin doesn't have the same anabolic effects on the body like the injection form has had. Some companies also offer what is called a "supplement" product. These are little packets of stuff you pop into your mouth before you eat your meal. Generally, there are five or six different ingredients inside of these packets, and they are supposed to help boost your immune system or increase your energy. Most of these supplement products contain collagen, zinc, or B vitamins, which is why they are called "supplements". You can generally tell when you have been ingesting these products because they feel softer in your mouth, and sometimes they leave a whitish or yellowish residue in your mouth.


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