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Herbal Remedies | An Overview | FitnessGoalTips

Herbal remedies are based on the belief that the body has the power to heal itself. The use of herbal plants is considered by many to be more beneficial than other forms of alternative therapy. There is much controversy over the actual effectiveness of herbal remedies. 

Herbal medicine is essentially the study of the therapeutic usage and pharmacognosy of various medicinal plants, which are also a source of traditional herbal medicine. There is very limited scientific data for the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines, which in general doesn't give good standards for dosage or purity. The controversy over herbal remedies has been heightened by the increasing popularity of naturopathy and complementary medicines. 

Naturopathic and complementary medicines are considered to improve the immune system and provide protection against many diseases. Many people feel that traditional medicines like herbal remedies are safer than naturopathic and complementary medicines. 

Before administering herbal medicines, it is important to understand the probable reaction of the patient with the particular medicine. This is where the knowledge of the person who will be taking the medicine comes into play. It is important to discuss the possible side effects of the medicine with your healthcare provider prior to administering it. Your healthcare provider should also be aware of the fact that a large number of patients have reported severe side effects from herbal medicines, even when taken as directed. For this reason, you should also ensure that your healthcare provider prioritizes only those drugs that are absolutely safe for you. 

For instance, some Chinese herbs such as ginkgo biloba are effective for memory enhancement. However, there have been reports of headaches and nausea in some patients taking ginkgo biloba. Similarly, oxerutins and quercetin, two herbs used in Chinese traditional medicine, can cause side effects in patients taking high doses. For this reason, you should not take high doses of ginkgo biloba if you are pregnant. 

Some common side effects of herbal medicines are drowsiness, nervousness, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, and dizziness. Dizziness may cause fainting or unconsciousness. Some patients may experience these symptoms even after taking herbal medicines and other drugs. So always consult your doctor before taking any herbal remedy. 

In addition to the above, some studies have shown that some popular herbal medicines may cause a mild case of diarrhea in some patients. This was demonstrated in a study comparing chamomile to placebo. Although the study did not directly claim that chamomile caused diarrhea, it demonstrated the potential for this problem and warned patients to proceed with caution if they had a history of diarrhea in the family. Some small human studies have shown an increased risk of intestinal gas in patients that drink tea made from chamomile. 

Ginger and elderberry extract is another common herbal medicine. Both contains gingerol, a compound that may be useful in treating the common cold. However, the jury is still out on whether or not ginger or the extract of ginger is an effective cold remedy. The FDA has not approved either one as a treatment for the common cold. 

There are many people who believe that burdock and milk thistle are effective natural cold remedies. Both plants contain compounds that can reduce inflammation and stimulate immune function. Many people also believe that by drinking the popular herbal medicines, such as chamomile or elderberry, that they can help prevent common colds. While there is no evidence to support these beliefs, it is important to remember that while they may reduce fever, there is no evidence that they are effective against the common cold.


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