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Healthy Tips On Losing Weight & Exercise

On Losing Weight:

Keep it simple. You didn't go on a diet to gain the weight -- you don't need a stringent diet to lose it.

  • Stay away from fat, sugar and anything white, except skim milk.
  • Eat often, every couple of hours, but don't eat until you are full. If you eat until you feel full, you have eaten too much.
  • Drink plenty of water, at least a couple of quarts a day. Water has no fat, no carbs, no protein, no calories, but you can't live without it! If you can't live without it, make sure you get enough of it.
  • Plan your meals ahead to set yourself up for success.
  • Have available the right foods in your "bag of tricks". These Include: fruit, meal replacement drinks, raw vegetables, non-fat and low-fat yogurt.
  • Cut your meal portions in half. When hunger strikes, eat a snack from your "bag of tricks".

On Exercise:

If you are planning on losing 30 to 50 pounds, you will have to get in shape to get in shape!
The nice thing about being out of shape is that you don't have to do a lot to have a good workout. You first have to get in shape to get in shape!

What may seem like a very hard workout may not be enough to see some quick results. It may take you two or three months to get to a level where you are burning enough calories to shed the pounds on a weekly basis and then you are really on your way. So don't get discouraged if you don't see quick results at first. After you get a handle on your eating habits and continue working out to get in better shape, you will be losing weight faster than you ever dreamed.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Be patient with yourself and you'll have the rest of your life to be proud of your accomplishment.


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