If you look after your health you have probably heard of antioxidants. They are the good guys who fight the ‘free radicals. Here’s what Dr. Chandra of the World Health Organization says about antioxidants: “To date, some sixty diseases have been associated with free radical damage, and each human cell receives at least 10,000 damaging hits from free radicals every day. So by taking antioxidants we increase our immunity as they act as a scavenging system to free radicals”. Antioxidants can be taken in tablet form or in liquid form in a drink such as Pomesteen. I have personal experience of how antioxidants can improve health. A couple of days before Christmas 1999 I was ill with pancreatitis. Although I was 55 at the time I had never had any serious illnesses so this came as quite a shock. I was taken to my local hospital where I spent 3 weeks. Most of that time I was on a drip and unable to eat or drink. During the last 2 or 3 days, I was allowed to eat and once I had pro...